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本指南探讨如何在 MDX 中支持数学 (LaTeX)。 MDX 支持标准 Markdown 语法 (CommonMark)。这意味着默认情况下不支持数学。可以使用 remark 插件启用数学:remark-math,结合 rehype 插件:rehype-katex (KaTeX) 或 rehype-mathjax (MathJax)。与其他 remark 和 rehype 插件一样,它们可以在 分别在 ProcessorOptions 中的 remarkPluginsrehypePlugins 中传递。有关插件的更多信息可在 § 扩展 MDX 中找到

¥This guide explores how to support math (LaTeX) in MDX. MDX supports standard markdown syntax (CommonMark). That means math is not supported by default. Math can be enabled by using a remark plugin: remark-math, combined with a rehype plugin: either rehype-katex (KaTeX) or rehype-mathjax (MathJax). Like other remark and rehype plugins, they can be passed in remarkPlugins and rehypePlugins, respectively, in ProcessorOptions. More info on plugins is available in § Extending MDX

假设我们有一个像这样的 MDX 文件:

¥Say we have an MDX file like this:

# $$\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}$$

上面带有数学的 MDX 可以使用以下模块进行转换:

¥The above MDX with math can be transformed with the following module:

import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import {compile} from '@mdx-js/mdx'
import rehypeKatex from 'rehype-katex'
import remarkMath from 'remark-math'

    await compile(await fs.readFile('example.mdx'), {
      rehypePlugins: [rehypeKatex],
      remarkPlugins: [remarkMath]
Expand equivalent JSX
    <span className="katex">
      <span className="katex-mathml">
        <math xmlns="">…</math>
      <span className="katex-html" aria-hidden="true">

重要的:如果你选择 rehype-katex,你还应该在页面上的某个位置使用 katex.css 以正确设置数学样式。在撰写本文时,最后一个版本是:

¥Important: if you chose rehype-katex, you should also use katex.css somewhere on the page to style math properly. At the time of writing, the last version is:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-n8MVd4RsNIU0tAv4ct0nTaAbDJwPJzDEaqSD1odI+WdtXRGWt2kTvGFasHpSy3SV" crossorigin="anonymous">

要获取样式表的最新链接,请转到 katex docs

¥To get the latest link to the stylesheet, go to katex docs.

注意:另请参阅 remark-mdx-math-enhanced,你可以使用它来支持数学内部的 JavaScript 表达式(例如访问属性或进行计算)

¥Note: see also remark-mdx-math-enhanced, which you can use to support JavaScript expressions inside of math (such as to access properties or to make calculations)

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